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Abstract Submission

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  • Abstract Submission
We invite all interested family medicine experts to submit abstracts for oral and poster presentation. We welcome you to contribute to the most up-to-date research and latest developments from around the world. All abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Program Committee and accepted abstracts will be assigned to the appropriate session based on the author’s application and program requirements.

Important Dates

Deadline for Abstract Submission November 22, 2024 KST

Abstract Submission Procedure

  1. Step.01

    Sign Up or

  2. Step.02

    Enter Author

  3. Step.3

    Enter Abstract

  4. Step.04


Topics for Oral and Poster Presentation

Abstract Structure

* Abstract texts should have the following structure

  • Background (Justify the importance and relevance of this study)
  • Methods (Describe how you conducted the study, including study design, setting, subjects, research instrument and analysis where appropriate)
  • Results (Summarize the key findings that address the research question)
  • Conclusions (Highlight the key messages, what the study findings add to the existing literature and the implications) 

* If there is nothing to write in that part, please write [Not applicable] and upload the entire abstract as a Word file.

Abstract Submission Guidelines

  • Submission : All abstracts must be submitted online via the Conference website by November 22, 2024, 23:59 (KST).
    • Abstracts submitted by fax, email, or post will not be accepted.
    • Please do not submit multiple copies of the same abstract.
  • Abstract Submission Confirmation : Official letter will be sent to the registrant via email and posted at [My Page]
  • Language : English
  • Word Limit : 250 words (does not include title and authors)
  • Tables graphs and images : The use of tables, graphs, and other types of images is not permitted in the abstract.
  • Modification : Authors can modify the author information, topic and core data of their abstract directly on the submission system until the deadline given. Please be aware that no extension will be granted.
Contact Point for Program & Abstract
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Supported by
  • 한국관광공사
  • 부시산광역시

Secretariat of WONCA APR 2025